Photo by Stefan Klapko
Auggie the 9th’s GAWS has been a long time coming, but its release is slowly coming into view. With the first drop from GAWS , “I Was Never Here” with our own Brynn Bixby, dropping just a couple of weeks ago, Auggie has blessed us with not one, but two new songs from the album. “NegaSnot” has a dark sound to it with a Doug reference playing throughout the song to help shape the song’s overall homage to Saturday morning cartoons. “Shonen Punx,” meanwhile, features Franky4Fingerz and targets anime fans.
Also released with the songs is the second cover for GAWS taken by Stefan Klapko showcasing Auggie the 9th’s homage to Madvillain’s 2004 album, Madvillainy. You can listen to “Shonen Punx” and “NegaSnot” below. I suspect all of you will be hearing more about Auggie and GAWS really soon…