
You don’t need a spacebar when you’re Blu.  The Cali emcee drops another free EP via his MySpace page in advance of his Warner Bros. release.  Shake made some pretty dope artwork, so I’ll go with that.  You can go with the new EP below.

Blu: NoSleepForADay EP

Peaz&Blessings. ItsYaBoy. FellBackForASec. ButTheOverDoseIsComing. SlowlyThough. WeGoneStartItOffWithSomeFunTimeShit. IDidThisOneDayThisSummer. FuckingAroundWithThe2000XLForTheFirstTime. WasGettingTheIntroduceToTheFunctions. AndThisIsWhatBlossomedFromTheCrashCourse. ALittle8MinuteBeatTapeAppropriatelyTitledNoSleepForADay. ProducedByTheBluAsBulb(theBrightIdea) EnjoyAQuickApetizerBeforeTheBreakfastSpecial