Earl Sweatshirt

In a story where contradictory arguments exist, it is always hard to discern the truth. One of the bigger mysteries in the hip-hop industry currently are the whereabouts of Odd Future’s Earl Sweatshirt. Earlier this year Complex reported that it had discovered he was in Samoa. Then The New Yorker published a story about his which reported that he had changed and was unsure as to whether an Odd Future was in his future. Now Complex has supposidly found prooof to support that this sentiment is false. For a more complete synopsis of the drama read after the jump.

Through Earl’s mother, Kelefa Sanneh was able to converse with Earl. During the interview he claimed that he was there voluntarily. He also spoke about how he would like the ‘Free Earl’ chants to stop, because to him they were the same as “Fuck Earl’s Mom”. But the story doesn’t end there. Tyler Craven, who originally lead Complex to find Earl, has become a cult hero for revealing Earl’s whereabouts and has been flooded with questions about the rapper on his Facebook. In response to one he says that “if it says hes there willingly they are wrong”, discrediting much of Sanneh’s story.

The problem with this debate is that in the end it is all speculation. In the article for The New Yorker, Kelefa Sanneh has a disclaimer, writing “The circumstances of this exchange surely influenced the tone or content of his replies”. So who knows weather the real Earl was allowed to come through in the interview? And furthermore who can confirm that what Tyler Craven says is correct? Earl, so as hard as it is to wait, its the only reliable option. All of the speculation is only adding fuel to the fire. If you would like to read full coverage of the story head over to Complex.