Photoshopped watercolor in photography by Aliza Razell

Artist Aliza Razell Brilliantly Combines Watercolor and Photography

Photos by Aliza Razell

Through photoshop, Massachussetts-based artist Aliza Razell brilliantly combines the art of watercolor and photography to create abstract self-portraits. In the past year, she created a two-part photo series, as part of a 365 photo-a-day project. The first series is titled Anesidora deriving from the explorations of the Pandora's Box myth, and the second titled Ikävä, which is the Finnish word meaning the feeling of longing. The combination of the two art mediums feels poetic and beautifully surreal.

Check out the following photos and find more of Aliza’s work on her Flickr or follow her on Facebook.

[Via Demilked]