Ajani Jones' New EP Is An Exhibition of Growth

Ajani Jones released his new EP today, Cocoons. As the title suggests, transformation and growth is a large theme for the new project.

Cocoons is a project about growth. Evolving as a human and as an artist," Ajani said about the proejct. "Each song is a cocoon. They’re different examples of my growth in content and quality of sound. The quiet before the storm you could say.”

It's fitting that the EP dropped on the same day that Ajani announced joining Closed Sessions.  I'm really excited about this EP. It is layered, it is specific, and it's competitive. Beats, rhymes, and life from a 24 year-old from the southside of Chicago, finding himself and his music.

Listen below on all platforms.

[RH Photos] January, 2018 by Cooper Fox

Bridges, January 8th

A freezing cold January meant either bundling up outside or staying warm in the studio. Here are Cooper Fox's favorite pics from the month of just that.

WebsterX, January 11th


self-portrait, January 17th.


Kweku Collins, January 25th


BoatHouse, January 26th

Watch Kweku Collins Perform "Lucky Ones" and "International Business Trip" in a Neon Sign Shop

Have you ever wondered what it might be like if Kweku Collins and BoatHouse performed some songs inside of a Neon Shop sign surrounded by power tools used to create and mangle neon? I can say with 100% accuracy that I have, pretty much since the day I met him. Well, this summer, the good people of AudioTree put that wonderment to bed as they assembled Kweku and BoatHouse for a participation in their FAR OUT series. Watch them perform "Lucky Ones" and "International Business Trip" surrounded by all of the lights.

photo by Cooper Fox.



CRASHprez - Watch This (Feat. Student 1)

[iframe id="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/344194194&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true"]


This is the refrain that anchors CRASHprez's newest song "Watch This", an energetic rowdy banger. The beat is provided by Boathouse who brought the bass, the sub looms over the lyrics like a dark cloud and the kick hits with the intensity of someone breaking down a door. Student 1 leads off the first verse, mentioning his propensity for smoking and writing by mentioning the "Notebook and Buddha" in his Jansport bag. CRASHprez takes the song in another direction mentioning his roots ("Black man from suburbia!") and how his self love unnerves jealous onlookers ("Flexin' all my melanin, I noticed it's unnervin' ya!").

Overall "Watch This" is a confident song perfect for a good old fashion college house party. The chemistry of Student 1 and CRASHprez  creates a stylistic symmetry that makes me want to hear more from the pairing.

Boathouse - "Crowd Go Loose"

[iframe id="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/341170368&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"]

Closed Sessions producer Boathouse brought a touch of Grime back with him from his swing overseas. Sampling Grime legend Dizzee Rascal, Boat creates an ethereal melody within a House/Electro setting that pumps and thumps; perfect for a house party. The synths are lush and the sound selection overall feels carefully curated. Bump "Crowd Go Loose" at full volume, drop it in your new DJ set for your friends and get ready for new music from Boathouse in the near future.