Kanye West

Geez, give Matt Lauer one interview with a former president and his s**t don’t stink.  We get it, you interviewed George W. Bush. He opened up to you about how Kanye West calling him a racist was the worst part of the worst presidency in American History, we know, we know… Have a t-shirt made saying “I Interviewed Dubya” and just shut up about it already…

Ahem, in case you didn’t know, Matt Lauer interviewed George Bush.  Bush talked about Kanye West.  Kanye West said he empathized with Bush’s hard feelings about being called a racist.  Matt Lauer interviewed Kanye West.  That is where he then beat a dead horse into the ground.  In the short interview, which Kanye then tweet-ranted about and deaded his press run in response to, Lauer goes on and on about George Bush’s hurt feelings in what seems like some attempt to orchestrate a great TV moment…  Kanye is not amused, and Matt Lauer apologizes, uh sort of… It all gets sorted out in the video below before it is announced that, drum roll please… Kanye will be back at the Today Show the day after Thanksgiving to perform outside… And a sigh of cha-ching is heard all throughout NBC… See the video below.