Mic Terror Bday


The weekend starts right….now!  Just want to thank all of our readers for checking in with us each day.  Here’s where we’ll be over the next couple days, and as you can see, Keys N’ Krates’ first Chicago performance, Mic Terror’s birthday party, Closed Session w/Lolla artists, and the Lollapalooza itself will have all us tied up.  I really want to blog, but field duty calls…Check out more of what we’ll be doing below.




The Live Remix With Keys N’ Krates Tonight At Lumen

Come to Lumen tonight to see Keys N’ Krates.  This is there first ever performance in Chicago, and next time around tickets will be much more than $10…trust me…


Mic Terror Bday

Mic Terror’s Official Birthday Party

Mic Terror. Birthday Party. Kidz In The Hall. Million $ Mano. Willy Joy. RTC. Ray Protege. Lava Lounge. That is you know, that is all you need to know…

Lolla 2009

Lollapalooza 2009:

This weekend is one of my favorites.  I always go with intentions of doing crazy interviews, get my hands on an artist pass somehow and then just enjoy the free Vitamin Water mixed drinks…If you’re heading to Grant Park don’t miss our Lolla PREview, it’ll get you set.  Also check out the Hard Rock Music Lounge, where I’ll also be camped out.