JJ Abrams has been really tightlipped when it comes to his plans for the next film in the Star Wars franchise. It’s understandable, considering his Star Trek Into Darkness hasn’t been in theaters for a month yet. The notably secretive director likes to keep his cards close, and with as huge a franchise as Star Wars, there’s good reason for Abrams to not show his hand too early.
However, the cards might have been forced out of his grip as rumors have swept the internet up with a supposed protagonist and antagonist already being chosen for Episode VII. The guys over at Schmoes Know have gotten wind of plot and character details for the anticipated Episode VII. If the rumors are true, the next Star Wars film will focus on Jaina and Jacen Solo, the twin daughter and son of Han Solo and Leia Skywalker. Star Wars fans will remember the two as being main characters from the “Expanded Edition” of Star Wars novels that take place following Return of the Jedi. While the novels are unofficially considered canon, if Jaina and Jacen are indeed a part of Abrams’ plans for the film, it serves as a great move for the franchise as a female Jedi will finally be featured.
The backstory surrounding Jaina and Jacen finds them as Jedi training under their uncle, Luke Skywalker. However, Jacen, who is considered to be the most powerful Jedi in the universe, finds himself slowly growing attracted to the Dark Side. Jaina is then left to bring him back… or stop him by any means necessary. Sounds just like the type of compelling story Abrams would find himself attracted to, no?
[via Schmoes Know]