Jadakiss: Better Business


"Hello!?!...Hello?!?"...Great, I thought, Jadakiss is giving me the brush off by pretending not to hear me, as the Yonkers born emcee continued his string of hello's before hanging up about seven minutes into our interview.  Ehh-heh, I muttered to myself, and returned to my desk thinking of the various ways I could turn an unfinished interview into a full article.  I had just got back to listening to the new Finale LP (A Pipe Dream And A Promise) when my Blackberry started vibrating with another 212 number.  It was KI-double, who had called back to finished the interview.

"To be honest, out of the times I’ve been disconnected during interviews, maybe 1 of 5 or so call back and finish," I told him towards the end of our interview. "I understand the importance," he replied.  "I know that the interview wasn’t finished.  That’s like half-assed business.  We were in the middle and you were asking me a question, that wouldn’t have been right to not finish that."  

Doing things the right way is something Jadakiss has spent a lot of time on.  His longevity as a Hip Hop artist, and mentions as a top emcee prove that's he's accomplished that feat musically, while the cluster f**k that was J. Hood as well as the Free The LOX campaign are also evidence of his struggles and imperfections.  He puts his hat back in the Spike Lee ring in promotion of his new LP, Last Kiss, an album that was originally going to drop with the title, Kiss My Ass.  The title was scrapped based on a business decision by Kiss, rather than label pressure, yet another indication of Jada's business practices.  

In this exclusive interview, Jadakiss talks about the his new album, rap in the recession, work ethic and much more.  Check out the full interview below.
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Black Lips: The Full Frontal Tale

Black Lips India

A couple months ago I posted a preview of The Black Lips tour of India, which resulted in their exile from the country.  The good folks a Vice hit me up today to let me know that the full rockumentary is now complete and posted on their site.  See it below, and check out our interview with The Black Lips here.

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