The next X-Men film, Days of Future Past, has been building up momentum over the past few months with the onslaught (no pun intended) of images, trailers, viral videos, and even the announcement of the film’s sequel. Over the course of a whirlwind 25 hours, Fox and Empire released an exclusive cover for the magazine commemorating characters from the mutant-filled sequel.
Some of the covers feature X-Men film mainstays like Wolverine, Magneto, and Professor X, but also introduced new entries in the franchise, such as Bishop, Blink, and Warpath. The most controversial of them, however, is director Bryan Singer’s vision of Quicksilver, the mutant Avenger and biological son of Magneto. Who is considered both one of the most iconic Avengers and enemy to the X-Men has been nerfed into a ’90s club kid complete with gaudy headphones and silver, side-swept hair.
You can check out the full collection of covers below.
[Empire Magazine, via Forbes]