You don’t really notice that “cool” is missing until someone makes an effort to show you what it is or bring it back. Nick Grant is on a mission to bring back “the cool”. His attempt was successful with his latest release Return of The Cool.
Return of The Cool is an infectious, soulful and lyrical display of music that is in a class of it’s own. While many ride the wave of “what’s hot?”, Nick widens the degree of separation and proves what he does can’t be done by just anybody.
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Album highlights:
“All of You” feat B Hess: He says this one is for the radio. Radio better act right and play this one. Something lyrically clever and cool, but also for the ladies
“Sing Along” feat Rico Barrino: a clever introspection on the game, and all the negative messages that always seem to win big.
“Gotta Be More” feat BJ The Chicago Kid: A breakdown of real people stories and occurrences that all lead to a perfectly placed chorus. There truly has to be more than what we see and what we have right now.
“Get Up” feat Watch the Duck: This one got my mom rocking in the kitchen. This a party starter right here.
“Return of The Cool”: The album title track should be fire and it is definitely that. This got a get fly and step out for no reason vibe.
You can’t highlight certain songs as a great display of lyrical ability, because every single song is a great display of lyrical ability. You will hear a dope bar every few seconds. Then when you listen again, you will realize you missed something just as dope, if not better than the first one you heard. Nick Grant has the ability to amaze with bars. That’s something that isn’t done regularly by rappers in this era.
Nick Grant makes the type of music that should silence all complaining about hip-hop. Whether you a “trap in the 90’s ni**a” or a “young cat that wants the old heads to get out the way” you should be saluting Nick Grant and appreciating the work he’s putting in.
Check out another Ruby Hornet review here.