Is it still a studio if it doubles as your bedroom? If you’re good at keyboard, would you naturally have a proficiency on the piano? These are just some of the questions that popped into my mind watching the Behind The Scenes footage of the LA x Mr. Music song, “Stars”. I think the answers are “I can see that”, and “probably.”
The finished product should be available soon, and GWHH has the scoop. Hit the jump for videos and info.
LA & Mr. Music are ready to release their next single – a pop record called “The Stars”. Here, you can watch a couple behind the scenes videos of the making of “The Stars”. In part 1, LA formulates the beginning of his first verse and in part 2, Mr. Music produces the hook’s melody and develops its vocals. “The Stars” just premiered this past weekend on B96 and will be available for free download everywhere in the near future.