With the original Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, returning for Terminator 5, excitement was already high for the popular sci-fi franchise. However, rumors have begun to swirl that the upcoming sequel just might be getting even bigger. According to a few of the WWE Examiner‘s sources, a script is being produced specifically with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in mind for a role. While nothing has been confirmed, as words from anonymous sources should always be taken with a grain of salt, an action blockbuster pairing Schwarzenegger and Johnson together would practically print money. Terminator 5 could function as a passing of the torch as Johnson has proven his ability to both revive and drive floundering franchises (re: G.I. Joe and Fast & Furious).
Furthermore, a few potential plot details have leaked out that could counter my worries about Schwarzenegger playing a Terminator. The aforementioned source claims the new plot takes place during the 40s and 50s with Schwarzenegger’s character playing a savior character of sorts with some connection to the Connor family. It’s his character’s bravado and heroism that the future Skynet models their Terminator line after. Theoretically, Schwarzenegger would be playing a Terminator in the sense that his character would be the precursor for the killing machines.
There’s still plenty of time before production begins on Terminator 5, and while all of this is just rumors and speculation, it would be great for the franchise and movie audiences if The Rock does join the film. Imagine The Rock and Arnold Schwarzenegger in a fist fight. Oh man…
[via WWE Examiner]