
Jay-Z and Beyonce got caught at a Grizzly Bear show a couple of days ago and had this to say:

“what the indie rock movement is doing right now is very inspiring. It felt like us in the beginning. These concerts, they’re not on the radio, no one hears about them, and there’s 12,000 people in attendance. And the music that they’re making and the connection they’re making to people is really inspiring. So I hope that they have a run where they push hip-hop back a little bit, so it will force hip-hop to fight to make better music. Because it can happen. Because that’s what rap did to rock.” – Jay-Z

As the indie rock blogger for a Hip-Hop website I had to step up to the challenge:

For Mr. Z, here’s some of the best and innovative music of the past year, push away indie rock, push away:

Grizzly Bear – “Two Weeks”

Micachu & the Shapes – “Golden Phone”
Yacht- “Psychic City”
the XX – “Crystalised”
Animal Collective – “My Girls”
Neon Indian – “Deadbeat Summer”
Wavves – “No Hope Kids”