Earlier this year, 32 year old electronic dance music artist Pretty Lights released his first full-length studio album comprised fully of his own self-produced tracks. The project, which was released on July 2, charted at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 upon its debut and solidifying the DJ as a real artist to be dealt with amongst the greater music landscape. Never one to be finished with anything, given the intrinsically infinite amount of options available to DJs today to distort sounds, Pretty Lights decided to remix his entire album with the help of some friends.

EDM high-flyer GRiZ takes a spin on a few tracks, most notably adding his unique, soulful horns and crafty mixing to “Vibe Vendetta”, which is the perfect complement to the original. Pretty Lights also taps EDM big names such as Datsik, Opiuo and heRobust to round out the re-worked music. All in all, the second take on the project is an impressive building on earlier work and progresses each track to a sonically different area than they originally occupied. Check out the preview stream of the project below and be sure to scoop the full release, due out December 10.

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