Weapons of Mass Destructon
As I was perusing the net today I ran across a Newsweek piece about Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout, it is a must read. So, in an interesting turn from fashion talk, I wanted to share some pictures of US Weapons with you guys. What I found interesting was that the Newsweek article took a somewhat mocking tone towards the arms dealer, but, at the bottom of the piece, there was a list of related articles including one that promised pictures of "Weapons Porn" kind of hypocritical right? On the one hand the arms dealer is mocked, on the other, the US Military weapons are cool... food for thought. Well, I clicked on the article, and although many of the weapons could make a person sick, thinking about what they're used for, others were actually kind of cool, and thought provoking with regards to Military Intelligence and Defense. See for yourself and click here to check them out.
New Balance x ALMOND Apparel Collection
Almond takes it's inspiration from Y-3 for it's collaboration with New Balance. Take a peek at my faves and click here to view the entire collection.
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Newest Barbie Has Great New Role Model
Both Marilyn Monroe and Neferttiti serve as Christian Louboutin's inspiration for his 3 customized doll which he made for MattelEach doll will be packaged in a Louboutin shoe box and coms with 4 pairs of heels and they go for 150 a pop. The doll will debut at the Cannes Film Festival. Click here to read more about the infamous doll.
Fifi Lapin X Mighty Fine World's Most Stylist Bunny Tee
Fifi Lapin and Mighty Fine have managed to combine two of my most fave things in one, Bunny's and Delias. I've been a fan of Delias since I was thirteen, before they even had a retail store and were just a catalogue (did I just age myself?). Also, Bunny happens to be my pet name for everything I luv, including my dog and boyfriend, lol. Kudo's to Fifi Lapin.
Jean Paul Gaultier X Levis
So in case you didn't know, I certainly didn't, Jean Paul Gaultier has a Levi's collection. Think overalls with a feminine twist, denim dresses, and shredded denim catsuits. Of the aforementioned, I would caution one to only attempt the dress. The rest is a wee bit out there for everyday use.
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That Hoodie Cost What???
Swagger on a billion, check out this pic of Pharrell in this $18000-$75000 Hermes Crocodile hoodie. This shit is insane. I'm neither condemning nor condoning... it is what it is. Thoughts?