We all download apps whether we use iPhones or Androids but which ever store you use to download you should be conscious of what you’re downloading to your smart phone. Now each store is by no means perfect but it is stated by Kaspersky Labs that, “98% of mobile malware targets Androids.” With this high percentage Android users should look at the apps they are downloading because it can make the experience of using mobile apps a terrible one. With that being said Avast has uncovered a night vision camera app named “Cámara Visión Nocturna” Spanish for Night Vision Camera  that is not all what it seems to be. When downloaded it asks permission to use certain apps on your phone like WhatsApp or ChatOn sending your number to it’s servers where it signs you up for a messaging service without your consent or knowledge. From there more messages are sent out and the bill continues to rise without the user knowing what is going on. So when downloading apps be aware that things like this could be going on in the background so be aware of the apps you feel the need to download.

[Via PetaPixel]