Yes you read that right. #CharlesHamiltonIsBack and I will be the first to say that I am bittersweet on the subject. Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond being a huge Charles Hamilton fan. I am one of those Mauriceans who followed, or did my best to follow his every step. While that was beyond hard to say the least, Charles has had his share of a very eventful career so far. He has had his missteps which we all known by now but through all of that he somehow was able to put out some gold every now and then between some of the music that clearly spoke to the severe problems he was going through. His music spoke to me in the same sense of what he put it out there for though and I feel that is exactly where he got the majority of his followers. At this point people are probably looking at his return with a stink eye and cracking jokes just waiting for him to fall off once again but I will firmly stand on the other side and always give my support that he is one of the brightest stars in this day and age. When he is on his game there is no stopping Charles Hamilton and if he can keep himself in a bubble for the time being he can steadily climb his way back to a spot in the limelight. I’ve added a little sample right below where Charles jumps on some 9th Wonder production and shares a lot of the views which most of us easily can agree with in some sense about the game today which is kind of freaky. I would love to take part if helping manage this dude to be honest because I want to see him where he belongs. Grab “Cats Said I Can Diss You” below as well as two mixtapes that he released as his welcome back celebration right below.
Charles Hamilton: “Cats Said I Can Diss You”