GIFs are god’s gift to the internet. Whenever in doubt of what to say in response to somebody, there’s probably an accurate and equally entertaining GIF at your disposal. At the same time, they’re usually nothing more than just mini-video clips pared down to a few simple frames. Cinemagraphs, on the other hand, are the artistic, photographic version of GIFs that are absolutely astounding.
While perusing the internet this morning, I came across French artist Julien Douvier’s collection of cinemagraphs. Just as the portmanteau of cinema and photographs imply, cinemagraphs are photographs collected together with very subtle animation in the frame to give off an extra level of artistry to the photographs. In Douvier’s work, they can be as subtle as smoke rising or water rippling, or even something a bit more obvious, like a woman dancing in a frozen crowd or a train speeding by.
I’ve collected some of my favorite cinemgraphs from Douvier below. For more, check out his website, Tumblr, and Behance pages!
[via PetaPixel]