Colin Munroe

Colin Munroe’s break through came when he re-created Kanye West’s “Flashing Lights” and took buzz by its horns with “I Want Those Flashing Lights”.  Colin is currently readying his official debut, and has a lot of exiciting news that I can’t tell you about yet, but wish I could.  We were with Colin in NYC exactly a month ago where he performed an intimate set at NYC’s Aspen Social Club.  I DJ’ed the party, and it was a great time for all.  We took Colin’s performance of “I Want Those Flashing Lights” and made a new video incorporating live footage from the event.  Check it out.  It’s directed and edited by Virgil Solis and Tony Shane.

Digital Freshness NYC featuring Colin Munroe (11/04/09) from Ruby Hornet on Vimeo.