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Hosted by WGN Radio, Tara Mahadevan and Kevin Coval are launching a new podcast made for the city entitled “The Cornerstore”. The show highlights the ingenuity of the characters who make Chicago so vibrant. Every week listeners will receive rare insights into the lives of the finest rappers, muralists, chefs, brand managers, tastemakers, and more who inhabit Chicago.
In the pilot episode Tara and Kevin host Pivot gangs own Joseph Chilliams who discusses the past year of his life, being assaulted with a gun exactly a year ago, his creative process and more. Chilliams is candid about how he felt in the moment of the robbery and gives us a blow by blow of how it went down. “The Cornerstore” gives the listener the vantage point of a fly on the wall and if every show is this entertaining I could see this being the go to Chicago podcast. Listen above.