Curren$y has made a habit of releasing free projects on a moment’s notice. And when it comes to giving fans a consistent product, he’s one of the best. He’s so good at that, the The Spring Collection isn’t just new music, but also features Curren$y curating the listening experience. On the intro, he clearly states the purpose of the project and the best ways to enjoy it. He gives his fans a chance to get ready, grab their “supplies”, and enjoy. He interjects through the project as well, coaching them along on where they should be in their consumption of said “supplies”.
The theme of Curren$y being ill at this rap shit runs throughout the project, and perhaps is best illustrated on “4 Phantoms” a crash course in how Curren$y has maintained when several of his peers are no longer really doing it. He spits effortlessly, “I do my thing when it come to rap, I buy more jewelry because of that.”
Well done, Spitta. Well done.