After playing and replaying and replaying Chuck Strangers’ new join, “Style Wars”, I went to Spotify to listen to as much of Chuck’s music as I could find. Spoiler alert, he doesn’t have much. I’m thinking Chuck might work real well for our coming revive of Digital Freshness, but that’s a post for another time.
Anyway, my search took me to DJ Luna’s new EP, Sunday Morning. The sound is what you would expect from the title, hazy, laid back, and reflective in nature. Chuck Strangers appears on the first track, “Sunday”, and each song carries the next day of the week for its title. Luna did not produce the music as much as curate and arrange it, more like DJ Khaled, Drama and other DJ constructed project. The vibes are good throughout and cohesive statement that showcases emerging artists. A job well-done.
This EP has a surprising lack of shine. I genuinely hope more people discover and listen to this project. Peep it below.