I was sent this EP a little while ago and well since my laptop is currently traveling at Kim Kardashian Ass Revolutions per minute I am finally getting around to doing stuff. While I love getting to check out producers instrumental tapes, I have to be honest there is only a certain limit that I can listen to straight instrumentals and what I am seeing more of is a half and half type thing which is exactly where Audio Games goes with his. He enlists a guy who I am very familiar with, Kidd Steve, on easily the best track on the EP with “One Way.” It was hard to say that because “Guitar Strings” is smoother then Keith Sweat. The combination of Audio Games skills behind the board and Kidd Steve’s behind the mic has me wanting more from these two and well it got me to listen to the EP in its entirety. With this crazy bananas weather in NY, “Keep My Records” has given me something to pass my days. Hope you dig it as much as I have been. Grab the link right below.