Gael García Bernal (Amores perros) and Diego Luna (Cesar Chavez) are on a mission to launch a rogue documentary tour across the U.S. in order to democratize documentary culture. The nonprofit group overseeing the project, Ambulante, is working on using Kickstarter in order to raise $52,780, begin their documentary tour in California, and ultimately get the ball rolling on initiating their tour across the United States.
The California-based pilot plan is centered on advocating the discovery of alternative filmmaking and storytelling rooted in non-fiction film. Ambulante will curate their screenings in outdoor and makeshift spaces between September 21st and October 4th, and screen films from all over the world, with special attention called to eclectic Mexican documentaries. Some of the documentaries they have been showing over the past ten years while touring in Mexico include Searching for Sugar Man, All Tomorrow’s Parties, and The Act of Killing.
Once the project comes together, Ambulante will program one free screening event and welcome filmmakers, subjects, and other guests to speak with audiences after the film. There are also plans set for after-parties and musical performances that will be free and open to the public. The funds raised on Kickstarter will contribute to projection fees, transportation costs, and the supplying of food and gas to Ambulante volunteers. Contributing to the campaign guarantees perks ranging from a private screening of never-before released short film, Revolucion, to spending time with Diego Luna at a backers only party right before the festival, receiving collectables, and being offered an apprenticeship with Pablo Cruz.
You have until July 17th to get this documentary tour funded. Check out a detailed video on Ambulante and their Kickstarter campaign below.
[kickstarter id=”ambulantecalifornia/ambulante-create-a-rogue-documentary-tour-across-t”]