Art and Agenda

The old saying is that a picture is worth 1,000 words, and people have been making statements with their art since the cavemen first drew on walls.  The intersection of art and politics is on full display in the new book “Art & Agenda”.  I love these kind of books, and just placed my order.

Check out the full description and some page shots after the jump. 

Art & Agenda: Political Art and Activism

This book explores the current interrelationship between art, activism, and politics. It presents new visual concepts and commentaries that are being used to represent and communicate emotionally charged topics, thereby bringing them onto local political and social agendas in a way far more powerful than words alone. It looks at how art is not only reflecting and setting agendas, but also how it is influencing political reaction. Consequently, Art & Agenda is not only a perceptive documentation of current urban interventions, installations, performances, sculptures, and paintings by more than 100 young and established artists, but also points to future forms of political discourse.

Art and Agenda

Art and Agenda

Art and Agenda

spotted at Curatedmag