Joe Budden

“I’ll be in the front row when it all implodes.”

Joe Budden talks the end of the world, the recession and destruction on his latest, “When It All Implodes”.  The record is from Joe’s forthcoming Mood Muzik 4.5 and is produced by J. Cardim, who has teamed up with Budden on several strong tracks.  Joe is right at home with the subject at hand, and makes his overall point, that no matter what comes he will still be standing.  It’s fitting given the current events surrounding Budden, and any peak into his past.  He says in the song, “they say the world’s coming to an end, I find it funny cause mine is just beginning,” and indeed there is a new chapter as Budden prepares not only for this solo release, but the first project from Slaughterhouse under Shady/Aftermath.  He is reaching new heights, yet there is turmoil all around.  Get the bird’s eye view and download “When It All Implodes” after the jump.

Joe Budden: “When It All Implodes”
