Brooklyn Herbs

Here’s something special for all you DOOM heads.  Pipo over at Pipomixes has created a new mix taking instrumentals from DOOM and splicing in quotes from Biggie and Jay-Z, creating something all original.  I’ll let him explain below.  Much love to Pipo!

I think I must have stopped and restarted working on this mix at least half a dozen times. Originally, I intended to do a second installment of the Doomed mix from a few years back by mixing the instrumentals from all the Special Herbs and Spices volumes. Upon completing the instrumental mix I thought the mix sounded a little bland and needed something more to bring Doom’s beats to life. I’d tell you all the different ideas that I tried that ultimately ended up on the cutting room floor, but it would hurt me too badly to hear someone say; “Oh, you should’ve done this or that instead.”

In end, I ended up throwing a bunch of Biggie and Jay-Z vocals over the pre mixed Doom beats. The mix is done in the style of the Biggie Jackson and Chris Jones mixes, so don’t expect a mix to bore you with vocals you already know over beats you’ve already heard. Instead, I attempted to do what all deejays should do; take music you know, but mix, mash, and blend it in a way that creates a completely unique listening experience. Well, at least that’s what I attempted to do. I guess all of you will ultimately judge how successful I was. Enjoy the mix.