UK Hip Hopper, The Streets, will be releasing his final LP under the pavement heavy moniker. The album is called Computers and Blues, and to set the table for the goodbye LP, The Streets (Mike Skinner) took to the web and “released” a new mixtape entitled Cyberspace and Reds. “Released” is used in a tricky way here, because the mixtape was not easily downloadable in any sense of the word. Skinner posted a barcode, that corresponded with a Mike Skinner iPhone App, which interested listener needed to download then scan the barcode, then take a picture of it next to a can of tomato soup… or something like that…
Anyway, now the mixtape is posted here for streaming purposes. SKOA went through a bunch of trouble as well, and posted the mixtape to SoundCloud where you can download it a lot easier. The mixtape is definitely worth a listen, I’ve been jamming to it this morning, especially the punctual beat down of “4 O’clock”.