Following Black Swan, Darren Aronofsky’s next film was going to be his big-budget Hollywood debut with The Wolverine. However, with disputes over shooting and production between the director and the film’s studio, Aronofsky bowed out, choosing to focus on developing a passion project of his based off of the Biblical figure, Noah. With Aronofsky’s distinct artistic touch, Noah will analyze the character’s psyche as he builds the Ark meant to ensure humanity survives a large flood… or so the story goes. Aronofsky and co-writer John Logan attempted to stay as true to the story as possible, but took some liberties, including rumored six-armed angels.
The first promotional images of the film were recently released that feature Russell Crowe (Gladiator) as the titular Noah, Jennifer Connelly (Requiem for a Dream) as his wife, Naameh, Anthony Hopkins (Beowulf) as Noah’s grandfather, Methuselah, Emma Watson (Harry Potter) as Noah’s adopted daughter, Ila, Logan Lerman (The Perks of Being a Wallflower) as Ham, Noah’s son, and Ray Winstone (The Departed) as Tubal-cain, Noah’s rival.
I’m actually looking really forward to Noah. As a huge fan of Aronofsky (even The Fountain), I can’t wait to see his spin on Noah’s story. The film won’t be released until March 2014 at the earliest, so it’ll be awhile before any footage arises. In Aronofsky We Trust.
[via Collider]