Photos by Carlos Alvarez Montero

Statistically, Mexican Americans make up 10.9% of the United States’ population with over 34 million documented Americans, making the US home to the second largest Mexican community in the world, second only to Mexico itself.  With all this in mind, Mex and the City and photographer Carlos Alvarez Montero came together to curate a portrait series titled Racial Profiling. The series highlights prominent, influential Mexicans alongside Q&As to highlight their professional successes in New York, Mexico City, and Los Angeles.

What started out mainly as a project within NYC turned into a Kickstarter to grow support to fund their pursuit to publish a book. Titled Racial Profiling Book: The New Global Mexican, it will show the diversity of the global contemporary Mexican identity from NYC, LA, Mexico City, and London. This project will only be funded if at least $15,000 is pledged by 

Check the following portraits and check out more here. If you would like to back this project, be sure to go here.



[Via Kickstarter]