RJD2 has been laying low the last two years, but he’s been hard at work. RJD2 set up his own record label, and then announced the signing of the label’s first artist, none other than DJ RJD2…He’s got a slew of re-releases and new material on deck, including the cult favorite, Your Face or Your Knee Caps. He sets everything off with a full announcement (see below), as well as a cut from the aforementioned cult favorite, entitled “Find You Out”. Find out more and get the track after the jump.
[audio: http://rubyhornet.com/media/rh/music/rjd2_find_you_out.mp3|width=180]
Hey folks, im writing with some pretty big news in the world of rjd2…. I’ve had a busy year, and have waited what seems like an eternity to talk about this stuff. I wanted to have a little music to put on the table as well, so you don’t think im just some windbag that’s wasting your time blabbing away left and right. So much has changed in the last 12 months, so lets just get to the point:
After much legwork/lawyer hours/busting ass, I announce to you that I have started my own record label, RJ’S ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS, and the first signing is…….RJD2!!! I am now a free agent, working for myself. Been a long time coming, and it is truly one of the most exciting moments of my career. The hardcore completionists out there may know that I have previously done some “smaller” releases on my own, under the label Bustown Pride. That was small peanuts; this time out, I have FULL worldwide distribution through The Orchard(world digital, US physical), and K7 everywhere outside of the US (physical). Furthermore, I also have acquired the first 3 RJD2 releases for my label; my first 3 babies-Dead Ringer, The Horror EP, and Since We Last Spoke. But that’s not all….
This past Tuesday(technically today, as I write this at 11:30pm; running a label is no joke!) saw the first ever digital release of 3 cds of b-sides and rarities I had previously released on Bustown Pride: Your Face Or Your Kneecaps, In Rare Form, and Things Go Better Instrumentals. Your Face Or Your Kneecaps also features 2 brand-new, previously unreleased tracks, as a bonus. But wait, there’s more….
On October 20, there will be the release of a box set commemorating close to 10 years in the game: RJD2 2002-2010. A strictly vinyl affair, it will include full length LP versions of Dead Ringer, The Horror EP(first time on vinyl!), Since We Last Spoke, The Tin Foil Hat EP (a BRAND NEW EP of 7 unreleased songs!), a hand silk screened, signed and numbered poster, a download card for exclusive treats, plus a beautifully printed box.
Oh, and lastly, my new album is done. I know I said before it would be out in 2009-you did know I meant FISCAL year, not CALENDAR YEAR, right? You wouldn’t want me to rush this out all willy-nilly, would you? good, I didn’t think so.
One last thing before I go; just to be forthright, this is only a portion of what I’ve got lined up for you. I have been SERIOUSLY busy in the last 2 years; and very little of it has to do with twittering. At the risk of sounding all corny, I feel the need to say something that’s important to me: I’ve realized recently that I do music, make records, LISTEN to records, tour, and generally hole myself up in the studio because I love it, not cause it’s my job. It’s become as natural as breathing, and keeps me sane-most of the time. Im much more concerned with making a timeless record, than with how to sell a record nowadays. Also, if you don’t see me posting left and right on whatever the most current social networking site is, its not cause I don’t like being social, its cause I feel like our time on earth is very very short, and that the most I have to offer this planet in my little window of time here is through the vessel of music. I would rather leave behind something you can hopefully use a little more than an update on my belly button lint. Hopefully, a catalog that speaks more volumes than all the blogs I could possibly write in a hundred years.
Alright, that’s it for the moment. What are you doing here? Mad Men is back!