
Sounding like a shelved-rapper, Illinois’ man of the hour pleaded, “Release the Tapes!” 

That was Rod Blagojevich’s main message to Jon Stewart on last night’s episode of the “The Daily Show”.  The embattled and ousted ex-Gov of Illinois spoke with Jon Stewart about his corruption charges, and the dirty mess of politics that have everyone pointing the finger at G-Rod.  Stewart handled himself very well, mixing comedy and stern questioning, and asking the Gov why everyone was against him if he did nothing wrong, “it’s like the whole city of Chicago is punking you,” Stewart said. To which Blago answered, “the whole state of Illinois.”  He maintained that the recorded phone conversations, which have Blagojevich saying “this is a f**king valuable thing, you don’t give it away for nothing,” in reference to the vacated senate seat of President Baarack Obama, contain all the information necessary to clear his name.  Yet prosecutors don’t want to release the tapes, and there is a court order out preventing him from sharing information that proves his innocence…Punked indeed.  I watched it last night and was very entertained.  You can peep the full interview below.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Rod Blagojevich
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