Sacha Baron Cohen won’t be a Killer Queen after all. Years ago, the Borat actor was attached to an upcoming Queen biopic to portray frontman Freddie Mercury. However, as time passed, the project continued to stall, despite Cohen’s efforts to attract big-name directors to the film. Yesterday, word came out that Cohen dropped out of the film due to creative differences between him and the surviving members of the band. While Cohen wanted the film to be a gritty tell-all film that explored Mercury’s “dark side,” the band wanted a PG-rated film.
It’s no surprise that Cohen has dropped out of the film, considering all of the missteps throughout its pre-production. Cohen was an interesting choice to play Mercury, but he at the very least physically resembled the singer. It would have been interesting to see exactly how audiences would have reacted to see him play a role that didn’t involve acting like a total jackass. Oh well.
[via /Film]