…and demonstrates in new video.
This s**t is crazier than a motherf**ker (c) JUICE… Charles Hamilton returns from a long hiatus with a vengeful choir behind him. The song is attached to the Revok MSK piece, and shot by Keegan Gibbs. This has got to be the first of this type of “I’m back track”. We have “I’m back… from jail.” We also see “I’m back from… Rehab… I got a new label… I had a beef with… etc…” What kind of comeback is this? I’m back from saying some really stupid s**t, and just making some really bad decisions? Anyway, positive things happen to positive people and I’m always one for a musical second chance. The track is solid and the video/billboard are way more than that. Hopefully this crack at it goes better for one of last year’s hottest emcees (at least on my list). Here is his chance to get the ball back, to use a metaphor from my previous article. Although I’m sure there are many who wouldn’t pass to him, and he’s not going to be greeted by a large cheering section. But, that’s why the play the game. See his “comeback” below.
REVOK x CHARLES HAMILTON x KEEGAN GIBBS from Keegan Gibbs . com on Vimeo.