Xbox One release date, price announced at E3

Microsoft's Xbox E3 Keynote conference has just ended, and they divulged a little more information on the upcoming console. While the initial Xbox One reveal was focused on the system's hardware capabilities, Microsoft's E3 conference was focused on some of the games coming to the console. A few notable Xbox One-exclusive games include a new Killer Instinct game, which hasn't been seen on consoles since the Nintendo 64's 1996 release, Killer Instinct: GoldForza Motorsport 5, and Capcom's Dead Rising 3.

However, the most important information to come out of the E3 conference was the set date and price for the console. Xbox One has been confirmed for a worldwide release this November at a $499/€499/£429 price tag. This might come as terrible news, as $500 for a console in this age is ridiculously pricey. Especially considering Microsoft's absolutism when it comes to its DRM and used games policy (in a nutshell: sharing games will come at a literal cost and the games you buy aren't necessarily the games you "own),$499 is a steep price.

With Sony's Playstation conference set for 8pm CST tonight, all they would have to do is announce a price tag lower than $499 to take a huge lead in this next generation of console gaming. Stay tuned, gamers.