Earlier this fall Talib Kweli visited the Occupy Wall Street protests and preformed “Thieves In The Night” as well as this latest track, “Distractions”. The song is a glimpse of Kweli’s views on the current American condition as well as his views on the state of politics around the world. The Brooklyn born artist is a vocal supporter of the #Occupy movement and his upcoming Prisoner of Conscious will definitely touch on many of the topics being protested. The 99% sentiment has taken a larger foothold in the Hip Hop industry as of late, as more juggernauts have come out to support the movement. Lupe Fiasco is one of them, with the themes of protest strung throughout in his Friend of the People tape and latest track “American Terrorist III.”  The Root’s recently released undun examines our unfair system and shows what it drives some individuals to do. Hip Hop has played an important role throughout its history of exposing problems and voicing the thoughts of those ignored. 2012 will be an interesting year in our history and it will be interesting to see how big of a role music and art play. Check out the song below.

Download Talib Kweli: “Distractions”