There is so much to say about The Cool Kids, man. Without Chuck and Mikey, I really can’t say what the Chicago Hip Hop scene (or much of what’s been dubbed “Internet Rap”) would look like. They came through and blew the roof off our city’s music scene, crushing segregated rap parties and the idea that everyone simply exists to hate on each other. They ushered in a new sound, which was a lot like an old sound, and paired it up with authentically vintage clothing as well. PLUS, they showed that you can do your thing independently, using your friends and the internet to make waves.
Much like Curt Flood, who fought hard for free agency, but never got to yield that Alex Rodridguez type of contract, The Cool Kids really never got their proper due. That’s what happens all too often to the pioneers and trailblazers.
With Special Edition Grand Master Deluxe though, The Cool Kids have a chance to properly execute their sound, and fans/artists/and everyone else has a chance to proper celebrate this iconic duo.
The Kids are back! Stream the new album below and fucking rejoice! And if you feel like it, revisit our 2011 interview, just after the release of When Fish Ride Bicycles.
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