The first trailer for Blue is the Warmest Color has recently released. Known in its native France as La vie d’Adele – Chapitres 1 & 2, the film garnered critical acclaim upon its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, being awarded the Palme d’Or (Cannes’ Best Film award), as well as a special commemorative Palme for the two leads, Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux. However, the film is not without its own controversies as it depicts long and graphic sex scenes. The MPAA has rated the film NC-17, which isn’t as much of a death knell as it used to be, the rating still carries a bit of weight with it as the film can’t be marketed or played in mainstream theaters. Then again, what mainstream theater would screen a French film about two women falling in love, anyways?
Blue is the Warmest Color is an adaptation of the 2010 French graphic novel, Blue Angel (Le bleu est une couleur chaude), about a young 15 year-old girl, Adele (Exarchopoulos) falling in love with Emma (Seydoux), a blue-haired art student at a local college. Together, they discover love and themselves within each other’s presence.
The trailer is completely in French, but gives a taste of the film’s tone. While it will be released in very select theaters on October 25th, it’ll be premiering at this year’s Chicago International Film Festival, which will take place October 10th – October 24th.