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I had no idea what’s going on with the Terminator storyline anymore, and it honestly bugs me to no end. It’s not rooted in any allegiance or deep fandom to the Terminator franchise; rather, I love tracing and threading together time travel stories. However, with four films and a TV series under its belt, it’s about time somebody took over the franchise and attempted to settle all of the various threads and inconsistencies.
Terminator Genisys serves as a reboot of the entire Terminator franchise thus far while also establishing a new trilogy going forward. Some things are still as is: Sarah Connor (Game of Thrones‘ Emilia Clarke) is still humanity’s savior; John Connor (Jason Clarke) is still the leader of the human resistance in the future; T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is still a Terminator that ultimately protects Sarah; Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) is still John’s right-hand man and his father. However, what differs this time around is the timeline itself: In Genisys, Sarah was orphaned at a young age by a Terminator, but is protected and raised by the original T-800, which allows the production to feature a badass Sarah Connor from the get-go rather than the reluctant Sarah Connor of the past. Genisys also features a new T-1000 played by G.I. Joe‘s Lee Byung-hun.
I don’t think I’ll ever figure out the Terminator narrative, and that might be for the best. However, it won’t prevent me from seeing Terminator Genisys when it hits theaters on July 1st, 2015. Who can resist seeing Arnold return to the role that rocketed him to stardom? He did say he’d be back, after all…