Urban Outfitters

The ever expanding retailer Urban Outfitters is at it again.  With technology upgrading and evolving, it seems like everyone has a Blackberry, iPhone, or another gadget for them to use to check up on almost everything including Twitter accounts, Myspace, Facebook, and any other website.  With that being said, online stores are accessible, but actions are limited and the checkout point usually isn’t functional when using a mobile device.  Urban Outfitters has now joined the club alongside Polo, Sears, and Amazon to create special stores for customers with smart phones to be able to shop.  Genious idea… Think about it.  How many times have you been waiting for the train or at a doctor’s office, and you really wanna be shopping.  Yoox, a fashion retailer for women, had an additional 710 orders in one month after launching this type of store.  Check out the urban outfitters store at m.urbanoutfitters.com .  Start shopping!
via wwd.com