The annual The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror” installments allow Simpsons writers to flex their post-modern wit, throwing the beloved characters into horror film pastiches rife with many allusions and references to horror staples. What, then, would be a better way for The Simpsons to celebrate Halloween this year than by receiving help from one of Hollywood’s great horror visionaries, Guillermo del Toro?
In this year’s “Treehouse of Horror XXIV,” del Toro is full of horror allusions, including The Shining, The Birds, Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth, Blade, H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, and more. The Simpsons may have fallen off in recent years, but del Toro’s couch gag is a smart and entertaining reminder of how witty The Simpsons used to be, as well as a means for del Toro to flex his vast horror knowledge
[via EW]