When Kanye West dropped the video for “Bound 2” last week, it received a lot of mixed reactions to it. Considering Kanye’s pedigree and creative control over his image and branding, it surprised many people. While I understand why he did what he did (I’ll probably expand on these thoughts later), it’s safe to say that nobody was expecting the final product. However, that’s not to say that the video doesn’t have its fans.

Seth Rogen and James Franco can be counted as two of them. While shooting their next film together, The Interview, the two decided to film a shot-for-shot parody of the video with Franco playing Yeezy and Rogen playing Kim. What transpires is one of the most awkward and hilarious parody videos yet. Did you know Rogen had back hair? Have you ever seen how awkward Franco is lip syncing and compensating for Kanye’s weird hand movements?

Is it better than Kanye’s own “Bound 2″ video? Watch the video below and find out for yourselves.

[youtube id=”Y3TTiHRrEBE” mode=”normal” align=”center”]