Street Fighter has inundated pop culture at various times through its 25 years of existence, resulting in Saturday morning cartoon shows, anime adaptations, two Hollywood film adaptations, music samples and references, and over a dozen over sequels and spin-offs. Modern fighting games, or even the fighting game genre itself, wouldn’t be in existence without Street Fighter II‘s influence. After all, a franchise wouldn’t be able to both exist and succeed without doing something right, right?
To commemorate the franchise’s 25th anniversary, Capcom has released a documentary, I Am Street Fighter, that tracks not only the history of the franchise, but also its effect on fans, including avid collectors, musicians, cosplayers, and professional gamers. While the documentary is mostly focused on Street Fighter II‘s legacy, the documentary did touch upon how popular the series has been over the years. I personally would have liked to see more of the auxiliary stuff, like the aforementioned films and cartoon series, but keeping a tight focus helped the documentary’s overall scope.
Fans of Street Fighter should definitely set aside a good 75 minutes to watch I Am Street Fighter.