Finally, Saturday marked the first official day of summer. However, Chicagoans know that the weather we’ve been experiencing has been anything but. If the forecast holds up, this last week of June will feel much more like late spring than early summer. I hope you all have your rain boots ready. Luckily, we have the World Cup to look forward to. Admittedly, I’m not a fan of soccer/futbol in the slightest, but I’ve found myself swept up in all the hype that surrounds the U.S. team this year. After last night’s last-minute tie, it’s like the team was preparing to heighten the drama going forward. Granted, I don’t think the U.S. has enough to go all the way, but they can at least make things exciting over the next week.
Anyways, you can check out all of the content Ruby Hornet put out last week below, including our contest for a free Blu-ray copy of The Lego Movie, news on the looming sale of firearms in Chicago, YouTube’s asinine policy on independent music videos, word on Harrison Ford’s injury on the set of Star Wars Episode VII, Rian Johnson’s hiring as the writer/director of Star Wars Episode VIII, Alex Katz’ interview and review for Coherence, an amazing photo set from Brazil outside of the World Cup craziness, and Angela Mejia’s photos and Mackenzie O’Brien’s recap from The Orwells’ show last week.