I haven’t taken Mos Def’s new album, The Ecstatic, out of my car in three weeks, and there’s not one song I’m prone to skip. I feel that Mos Def’s album is almost an audio book, with each track continuing a story centered on the trials and joys of everyday living. Mos weaves through the daily negotiations and balances, the good and bad, the utterly horrid and the utterly beautiful. At least I think that’s in there somewhere. One track I couldn’t quite grasp in “No Way Nada Mas”, which is performed solely in Spanish. Being that the LP is a favorite throughout the entire RH office, Prim has kept The Ecstatic on repeat and provided us with a translation.
I took the literal translation and tweaked it bit to flow better and convey meaning that may be lost in the literal translation. Now, keep in mind that my translation may not be absolutely correct, as I have interpreted it using a comibantion of what I know about Mos Def as an artist, the tone and theme of The Ecstatic as a whole, as well the pattern used in “No Way Nada Mas”. I suggest cueing up the song and listening as you read. Let me know if you think I’m right, or you have a different idea.
“No Way Nada Mas (No Way, No More)”
Skinny, call me skinny/my first name is Yancin Dante, my last name is Bey…
Listen, I witnessed with my own eyes a clear and beautiful danger, for sure, the truth
The streets, the town, the outskirts, the center of town, city quality’s no better, but there’s worse
War, life, love, change, food, I carry my pistol for them
Ladies and gentlemen, family, shine your distinct light, get it in
Here’s the deal, I saw my vision close, my house, my dreams my spirit
I want to know what it is to feel your embrace, your touch, show me something
For sure…Amen…
There’s is nothing more…For sure, there is nothing more
[audio: http://rubyhornet.com/media/rh/music/09 No Way Nada Mas.mp3|width=180]