When you think about smoking and rap music it is hard to not mention these two guys. Snoop represents the OG smoking rapper and then Wiz Khalifa is the new school game changing marijuana connoisseur. That Good sounds like something that could have been on Kush & OJ but didn’t develop until now and adds to the mystery of what Wiz’s next project will shape up to be like. He will release some songs that are obviously label pushes to gain the public ear with hooks that repeat 2 words to infect your brain and then there are songs that are just down right phenomenal. If That Good appeared 20 times on a mixtape I would take that over what I am scared Wiz could become. I don’t even know why I’m doubting when music like this comes out but I guess I just leaving a door open. Anyway enjoy That Good because it should be enjoyed at the fullest.

Grab it right below.


Wiz Khalifa & Snoop Dogg- That Good