There are a lot of speakers out there you can buy for your iPhone or iPad, and a lot of them have their own unique features. In the end, however,  you want a product that will deliver great sound so you can enjoy your music to the fullest. Speakers nowadays are designed very differently and are very different in appearance whether someone wants something minimalistic or extravagant.

The Gramophone for the iPhone or iPad with its price ranging from $200 to $300 is very unique in its own right, taking you back to the days when we didn’t have all the electronic gadgets we have now. It is handcrafted with a wood base and a built-in iron and brass horn which will amplify the volume by three to four times with no need for electricity. It’s got an interesting look to it, too, so if you’re interested in some new speakers that also has a classic look, you might want to check out the Gramophone.

[via Restorationhardware]