Last November, Quentin Tarantino announced his plans to revisit the Western genre for his next film, The Hateful Eight. However, the plans for the film were immediately scrapped this past January following the leak of The Hateful Eight‘s first draft. Tarantino even went as far as suing Gawker for their role in spreading the leaked script to their readers. Since then, the director gathered the proposed cast for the film for a live read of the leaked first draft of the script last month in LA. The live read was intended to gauge audience reaction to the script, as well as to reinvigorate interest in the project itself.
If rumors are true, that’s exactly what happened, as it’s being reported that Tarantino and part of the live read cast are set to meet in Wyoming to begin production on The Hateful Eight in November. The cast includes Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction), Bruce Dern (Django Unchained), Kurt Russell (Death Proof), Zoe Bell (Kill Bill), Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs), Amber Tamblyn (Django Unchained), amongst others.
The Hateful Eight is set just after the Civil War and takes place in only two locations: a stagecoach and a warehouse in Wyoming. It’s in these locations that all of the characters partake in very tense conversations that boil over into violence. While the film will have an altered third act and minor changes to characters and plot details following the aforementioned live read. In essence, the rumored synopsis sounds similar to Tarantino’s debut film, Reservoir Dogs, and we all know how well that film was received.
We’ll report on any updates to The Hateful Eight when more information arises.
[via /Film]