With rumors of a gold iPhone 5S set to release next month, more purported pictures of the new variant have come out. Mashable, via a Japanese website, shared the purported images of the new iPhone 5S models, which you can see below. Also below are purported images of the iPhone 5C, which is a lower-cost iPhone 5 model that will replace the current iPhone 5. So, just so we’re clear: The current iPhone model, iPhone 5, will be replaced by the iPhone 5C in addition t0 the upgraded model, iPhone 5S. The iPhone 5C will be encased in plastic and will have some modest tech upgrades, but no concrete details have been announced.
The first group of photos are of the iPhone 5C, while the second group are of the iPhone 5S. Word has it that an official announcement will be made on or around September 10 in regards to the next iPhone models, so we only need to wait a few more weeks to find out how the future of the iPhone models will shape out.
[via Mashable, Mobilissimo]